3.6. Accreditation standards for Doctoral Schools

A Working Group nominated by the PMB was working, according to the modified Work Plan, on the formulation of the accreditation standards for establishing Doctoral Schools on the basis of the LHE and the best EU practice. Two round tables on standards for establishing Doctoral Schools were organized. The first draft of the Standards was prepared after the first round table (Crete 2016). After getting EU partners’ feedback, the Working Group prepared the final version of the Standards. At the second round table organized in Belgrade November 17th, 2016, the final text was discussed and the preliminary version adopted. The text was formulated in accordance with the Serbian legal framework. The activity was successfully finalized after the adoption of the proposal by the CAQA, and, consecutively, by the NHCE. The NCHE adopted the integral text of all standards related to Doctoral Schools March 27th, 2017. It is important to mention that these standards became a part of the general Standards for Self-evaluation of the Serbian HEIs (new Standard 15 – see the Project Site and the site of NCHE).