1.5. Bylaws on funding doctoral studies adopted

The Working Group, appointed at the PMB Meeting at Crete, September 20th, 2014, made the first draft of the new regulations and presented it at the PMB Meeting on December 16th, 2014. The Working Group presented the obtained results at the Project meeting at Ghent, March 27th, 2015, and at the Conference held at Novi Sad, April 3rd, 2015. The final version of the proposed new regulations was analyzed and adopted at the Working Group meeting held in Belgrade on May 15th, 2015.

The main idea of the proposed regulations is to open a new possibility for students to obtain co-funding of doctoral studies which would be an addition to the existing forms and completely in line with the adopted principles of placing more emphasis to the research part of the studies.

The proposed Regulations for funding doctoral studies were adopted by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development in 2015, and incorporated into the Bylaws for funding research projects by MoESTD  (Call for new projects of April 12th, 2016. – Part for doctoral students, at page 5. of the Bylaws for funding research projects). At the Project Site and at the Site of the MoESTD the text of new regulations is given. A separate act dealing with doctoral students was issued before October 30th, 2016 (MoESTD Site).