5.4. Peer review of the study programs

The study programs formulated for the selected Doctoral Schools were evaluated by the academic staff from the EU institutions. The PMB took all necessary measures oriented towards taking into account all the suggestions and ensuring quality of the study programs. The contact person of CSU had the duty to monitor all the performed actions.

The proposed study programs are discussed at the following round tables:
1. Crete, September 2nd, 2015, Round table: Concept of the Doctoral School in Serbia
2. Vienna, December 18th, 2015, Round table: Models of Doctoral Schools in Serbia
3. Lisbon, May 27th, 2016, Round table: Accreditation standards for joint study programs
4. Crete, September 8th, 2016, Round table: Standards for Establishing of the Doctoral Schools

Suggestions of the EU partners were done directly to the partners proposing study programs, including specially organized study visits of EU experts paid to these partners institutions. The round table organized at Crete in 2016 was of great importance for the adoption of the final view on establishing Doctoral Schools in Serbia.